Fallout 3 subway map
Fallout 3 subway map

fallout 3 subway map

(Hint submitted by MVT) The new Subway's overall appearance resembles areas of the game Fallout 3 because of the similar color pallette, falling ashes, and destroyed environment. You still have to watch out for Grenadiers and Cyclops' though. If you enter one of the subway cars, the one which is only accessible by vaulting, most types of enemies wont be able to reach you, most notably Boomers (and their varieties), Kantus, Bloodmounts and Sires.

fallout 3 subway map fallout 3 subway map

It is a very useful map for Horde, due to one special area. Subway has been remade along with Tyro Station, Gridlock, Canals and Mansion for Gears 2 in the form of Download Content. However this is a bad strategy against human players as one good frag grenade toss into that area leaves a very slim chance of survival.

  • The small spot where the sniper rifle spawns outside is a great hideout, as you can run out and place a frag grenade at the outside corner from the spot and another frag grenade on the other side of the truck, then you can snipe into the subway interior, as it's unlikely someone will get close to you without you knowing.
  • Spawning below ground is great, as you have access to both the Boomshot and the Torque Bow.
  • The Longshot has a great view of the Boomshot spawn.
  • We're beginning in Vault 101, building our character and then fleeing into the Wasteland.You. Subway is an underground train station with access to the streets above. Fallout 3 returns, with our new series of You Only Live Once. It is one of the five maps that can be downloaded at no charge from Xbox Live's Marketplace. Subway is a multiplayer map on the PC and Xbox 360 game Gears of War.

    Fallout 3 subway map